High School! A million things happen and sometimes nothing happens.

How do you make sense of your world? What experiences, or events shape your views and your relationships. Write an essay to tell us your story. We would like to understand what motivates you or holds you back. Or whatever is most important that you want to share with us.

Any one sentence in the poem/essay must start with “My truth is…..”. Once you are ready to submit, upload it to this form.

Each submission must be accompanied with a parental consent via the submit form and an acknowledgement of student authorship. The form will also let us know if you would like to have your writing to be published or not. All student writing will be published anonymously to preserve privacy. If the poem/essay seems to identify a particular student, then they will not be published but are eligible for awards, of course. Student and family privacy is of utmost importance to the judges and organizers and will be protected.

Make sure to submit before May 15th 2024!

Submissions over for 2024


For 6th to 8th grade students


For 12th grade to age 22 years students