Hello! What is your story?
You may have just joined a new school or are looking to graduate soon. You may have made new friends or are missing an old friend, discovered different music or learned a new skill. A person, event or experience may have made you very happy, sad or left you puzzled. Your family or home may have changed. Tell us about it.
Write a poem, or an essay of maximum 650 words which tells your story in your voice. Any one line in the poem, or sentence in the essay must start with “My truth is…..”. Once you are ready to submit, upload it to this form.
Each submission must be accompanied with a parental consent via the submit form and an acknowledgement of student authorship. The form will also let us know if you would like to have your writing to be published or not. All student writing will be published anonymously to preserve privacy. If the poem/essay seems to identify a particular student, then they will not be published but are eligible for awards, of course. Student and family privacy is of utmost importance to the judges and organizers and will be protected.
Make sure to submit before May 15th 2024!